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Board of Directors

Graham Jackson, Ph.D.

Chairman of the Board

Dr. Jackson is the Director of MBA Programs and Senior Lecturer in Marketing in the Graduate School of Management, University of Haifa. He has B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Management Sciences from the University of Manchester / UMIST (UK), and worked in marketing in IBM (UK) and Procter & Gamble (UK). He now teaches in MBA programs at the University of TongJi in Shanghai and is presently working on special projects in marketing for the biggest computer companies in the world.

Robert Buckwald, Ph.D.

Chairman of the Board

Dr. Buckwald is co-founder, Board member and CEO of CI Systems Ltd. He has 30 years experience managing electro-optics instrumentation companies and products. He was a co-founder of Applied Spectral Imaging (ASI) and served as its CEO until July 1999. Dr. Buckwald presently serves as Chairman of the Board of CI Technologies, Inc. and a member of the BOD of ASI. During Dr. Buckwald's management ASI received the European information Technology prize. Under Dr. Buckwald’s management, CI Systems went public in Tel-Aviv in 1993. Dr. Buckwald holds a PhD in Physics from Ohio State University (1969), Post Doctoral fellow from the Technion and was a member of the Faculty of Physics at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. He holds over 30 patents, is the author of many papers and book.

Dario Cabib, Ph.D.

CTO and Director

Dr. Cabib is co-founder of CI Systems Ltd. and has served as its Chief Technology Officer since its inception. He is co-founder of Applied Spectral Imaging, Ltd., and during the years 1995-2005 he served as its Chief Scientist (1995-1999) and member of the BOD (1995-2005). His work led to ASI’s receiving the coveted European Information Technology prize for the best new product of the year 1997. He has 30 years experience in managing the development of electro-optics technologies and products. Dr. Cabib is co-founder and member of the BOD of CI Technologies, Inc. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Physics from Michigan State University in the field of semiconductor physics (1973), and was a Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Physics of the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (1973-1980). Dr. Cabib holds over 30 patents.

Yael Ilan, Ph.D.


Dr. Yael Ilan is Coordinator of Industrial Relations in the Electrical Engineering Department at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. She is also Manager of Storage Networks Infrastructures (SNI) – Magnet Consortium. She is a director at CI Systems, Israel Institute of Standards (IIS), and Better Online Solutions (BOS).

Mr. Shay Levi

External Director

Mr. Shai Levi has an international MBA to managers from Haifa University and First Degree in Managing from the Opened University. Mr. Levi serve up to January 2009 as a General Manager of the Energy and Control Division of General Engineers LTD. Mr. Levi has experience in management, Knowledge and experience in reading, understanding and analyzing financial statements.

Mr. Yoram Atzmon

External Director

Mr. Atzmon has Joined CI Systems Ltd as a director in 2009. Retired from MOD where his last position was Deputy Director of the procurement Mission in New York. Prior was Deputy Director for Procurement and Production.
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