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Remote Sensing


CI Systems has been producing and selling infrared radiometric and spectroradiometric products since 1981 for Remote Sensing applications.

This instrumentation is useful to measure self-emission of objects as function of wavelenegth or time in calibrated radiometric units.

The wavelength dependent information is obtained in CI's models by using interference filtering technology, providing full spectral information through Circular Variable Filters or at a number of wavelengths through discrete filters.


Remote Sensing Products:

Technologies and Expertise of CI Systems in Remote Sensing

  • Infrared spectroradiometric measurements
  • Infrared radiometric and spectroradiometric calibrations
  • Performance modeling of IR measuring systems
  • Spectral atmospheric transmittance measurements
  • Special radiometric setups and measurement methods
  • Spectral imagers development (interferometric and filter based)
  • Spectral imaging measurements and calibrations


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